Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Kelly!

Today is for Kelly! It is my best friends birthday. I want her to know how greatful I am for our friendship not only today but every day. I can remember so many fun times together so in honor of your birthday here are some on my favorite memories of us!

Going to the beach with my mom and her getting sunburned. We went out that night by ourselves and met up with Chris and Todd. You went to get in the back seat and I put the seat back too soon and your bushwacker drink went every where! We had to sneak back into the hotel for you to change.

You telling Ashley Wilson "If you don't like what we are about to do then you better get out of my car" and she sat on the curb!!

Being chased down 31 by a car load of girls who got out at a red light and attacked your car. When the light turned green and they were headed back to their car you yelled to them "Come on with your bad self, b**ches!!!

Sips n' Strokes! Need I say more?

The night you tripped over the hat rack and I got in trouble!

I could go on and on for days! I just want you to know how special our friendship is to me and how much I love you! (You know like a sister not in a Sharon kind of way!) XOXO


  1. Thank you my BFF! I love you and value our friendship more than you will know! Thank you for all of the wonderful memories we have had and for the ones to come....I'm honored you dedicated your day and blog to me has made my Birthday complete! YOU are to me the sister I never had! I cannot thank you enough for always being there for me! We both are truly blessed in everyway with wonderful husbands (14yrs- almost 15yrs) beautiful children and each other! I love you...xoxo- Kelly

  2. Can't believe I said almost 15 years...I mean almost 14yrs.--I have been with Clayton so long that I'm getting confused! LOL!
