Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My very giving husband

Let me start by saying that I have the best husband in the world. He is not only the best husband but a wonderful father. He will take the shirt off his back for you. So back in October he hired a kid to be his clean up boy at the shop. I will call him Toby. (That is the nickname that every clean up boy has had.) He has had a very hard life and needed a chance. Joe has gone out on a limb for people before and has been burned every time so I was a little apprehensive at first. I was so wrong. Toby comes to work every day and does a great job. So great that Joe gave him a raise of $2 an hour and made him a bodyman. He also went and bought him tools and will let him pay it back weekly. Well when Toby got home yesterday he just wanted to tell his mom the good news and all she did was yell at him. He walked down to our house and Joe took him to the shop and is letting him stay in our camper for a few nights. Now Joe has decided to help him find a place to live and help him get a car. Joe is such a selfless person. I not only love him with all my heart but I am very proud of him. XOXO

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